Jesus; and John's Declaration

Question: In Matthew 11:13, does “until John” include John or stop before John?


Both, has always been what I have understood, as the comment is regarding the coming of Christ Jesus, in His Salvation Offer to initially Israel (v.10), and John’s privilege was to ‘Declare Him”, at His Baptism!  See also ‘Jerome’ below.

Jerome: Not that He cuts off all Prophets after John; for we read in the Acts of the Apostles that Agabus prophesied, and also four virgins daughters of Philip; but He means that the Law and the Prophets whom we have written, whatever they have prophesied, they have prophesied of the Lord.  That He says, Prophesied until John, shows that this was now the time of Christ’s coming; and that whom they had foretold should come, Him John showed to be already come.


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